Celtics Co-Owners and Couple Emilia Fazzalari and Wyc Grousbeck: A Tale of Love, Business, and Tequila

A Glimpse into the Unique Story of a Sports Power Couple

In the world of professional basketball, the Boston Celtics stand as a beacon of excellence and triumph. Beyond their on-court achievements, however, lies a captivating narrative of love, entrepreneurship, and the extraordinary bond between two individuals: Emilia Fazzalari and Wyc Grousbeck.

A Modern Love Story and Business Acumen

Fazzalari, a successful entrepreneur and founder of multiple ventures, and Grousbeck, the majority owner and governor of the Celtics, have formed a formidable partnership both on and off the court. Their union extends beyond the confines of their shared love of basketball; they are also the co-owners of Cincoro Tequila, an award-winning spirit that has garnered widespread acclaim.